“Two Graves, one Gun”—Taylor Swift’s ‘The Tortured Poets Department’ is a “tick tick tick of love bombs”

Wel­come to the debrief of ‘The Tor­tured Poets Depart­ment.’ In the epi­logue to Swift’s newest work, she sets the stage by assum­ing the role of “The Chair­man” pre­sent­ing her “find­ings” to us, her fel­low tor­tured poets—31 tracks that serve as evi­dence for a plea of “tem­po­rary insan­i­ty.” Fueled by a fleet­ing encounter and an illic­it decade-long affair of love and poet­ry, The Tor­tured Poets Depart­ment dis­sects both the…

6. Mai 2024
World and Woman: Towards the Prismatic Sea

In the midst of post­colo­nial and patri­ar­chal hege­monies, periph­er­al nar­ra­tives emerge as agents of trans­for­ma­tion, carv­ing out space for the plu­ral­i­ty of self and world.

30. April 2024
Motherfucking Good: Claude De Demo rechnet ab

Humor­voll, kri­tisch und voller Verzwei­flungswut erzählt das Stück #Moth­er­fuck­ing­hood im Berlin­er Ensem­ble von prekären Geburts­be­din­gun­gen, Ver­ant­wor­tungs- und Schuldge­fühlen und dem schädlichen Stereo­typ der guten Mutter.

26. April 2024
Woman’s Grammar in the Dream: When Our Lips Speak Together

“No sur­face holds. No fig­ure, line, or point remains. No ground sub­sists. But no abyss, either. Depth, for us, is not a chasm. With­out a sol­id crust, there is no precipice. Our depth is the thick­ness of our body, our all touch­ing itself. Where top and bot­tom, inside and out­side, in front and behind, above and below are not sep­a­rat­ed, remote, out of touch. Our all inter­min­gled. Without…

27. März 2024
The Queerest Place on Earth

Some­thing hap­pened to queer­ness in the 1990s. Not only did we begin to describe more and more forms of non-nor­ma­tive desire and embod­i­ment as “queer” – with the advent of the inter­net, queer com­mu­ni­ties also became digi­tised. Our knowl­edge and our inti­ma­cy is now unthink­able with­out vast transat­lantic cir­cuits and cor­po­rate filters.

11. März 2024
Imagining Dark Continents

The con­cept of the sea—extending infi­nite­ly every­where all the time—and of the islands—sovereign worlds which nonethe­less affect oth­er such islands—emerges as a world struc­ture which becomes a sanc­tu­ary from sin­gu­lar­i­ty to all crea­tures it carries.

17. Feb­ru­ar 2024
2023 Wrapped

In Zahlen und Gefühlen: Der Fer­rars & Fields Jahres­rück­blick 2023.

6. Jan­u­ar 2024
A Sun’s Death in the Ether

“Vio­lence rup­tures the sky in half— It shat­ters every world that’s in the mak­ing of a map of light. I fall fast between drops of blood. With pre­ci­sion I cut into my skin and sev­er the sun from me.”

31. Dezem­ber 2023
More Essays

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