“Two Graves, one Gun”—Taylor Swift’s ‘The Tortured Poets Department’ is a “tick tick tick of love bombs”

Wel­come to the debrief of ‘The Tor­tured Poets Department.’

In the epi­logue to Swift’s newest work, she sets the stage by assum­ing the role of “The Chair­man” pre­sent­ing her “find­ings” to us, her fel­low tor­tured poets—31 tracks that serve as evi­dence for a plea of “tem­po­rary insan­i­ty.” Fueled by a fleet­ing encounter and an illic­it decade-long affair of love and poet­ry, The Tor­tured Poets Depart­ment dis­sects both the love and loss in Swift’s life, from for­bid­den dreams and stolen moments to the inevitable farewell to her muse.

“Hold me in a dim-lit world”: How Dayseeker’s DARK SUN (2022) became my refuge from grief

By the time Novem­ber unfold­ed, with the bleak winds of my own recent heart­break echo­ing through the dig­i­tal void in the form of emo tweets, one soli­tary track from Dayseeker’s 2022 record, DARK SUN, had become the first song to be played each day on the way to work and every­where else. “Cry­ing While You’re Danc­ing,” on repeat, grad­u­al­ly solid­i­fied Day­seek­er as my top-lis­tened artist of the past few weeks. 

“This Loneliness Won’t Be the Death of Me”: 10 Being as an Ocean Songs for Our Achy Hearts

“This Lone­li­ness Won’t Be the Death of Me,” a song on Being as an Ocean’s record Dear G‑d, finds me unpre­pared on the bus one night, as I dri­ve through the dark­ness of this city to get ice cream, cov­er­ing up the fact that I feel utter­ly alone and don’t know what to do with myself at home. It’s a feel­ing I’ve grown all too famil­iar with—the per­va­sive sense of iso­la­tion that occa­sion­al­ly envelops me…

An Autumn Mixtape

As we are approach­ing October—the holy month of Hal­loween in the most beau­ti­ful sea­son of the year—we have com­piled a list of songs which give us that autumn feel­ing of crisp, smokey air, warm­ly lit liv­ing rooms shel­tered from the Octo­ber rain, and an entire world turned into poetry.