by Mercy Ferrars

Wel­come to the debrief of ‘The Tor­tured Poets Depart­ment.’ In the epi­logue to Swift’s newest work, she sets the stage by assum­ing the role of “The Chair­man” pre­sent­ing her “find­ings” to us, her fel­low tor­tured poets—31 tracks that serve as evi­dence for a plea of “tem­po­rary insan­i­ty.” Fueled by a fleet­ing encounter and an illic­it decade-long affair of love and poet­ry, The Tor­tured Poets Depart­ment dis­sects both the love and loss in Swift’s life, from for­bid­den dreams and stolen moments to the inevitable farewell to her muse.

In the midst of post­colo­nial and patri­ar­chal hege­monies, periph­er­al nar­ra­tives emerge as agents of trans­for­ma­tion, carv­ing out space for the plu­ral­i­ty of self and world.


Humor­voll, kri­tisch und voller Verzwei­flungswut erzählt das Stück #Moth­er­fuck­ing­hood im Berlin­er Ensem­ble von prekären Geburts­be­din­gun­gen, Ver­ant­wor­tungs- und Schuldge­fühlen und dem schädlichen Stereo­typ der guten Mutter.

Wie anspruchsvoll muss Fem­i­nis­mus sein? Warum wer­den Bar­bie und Poor Things von der Kri­tik so beson­ders gründlich kri­tisiert? Unsere Autorin find­et, auch leichte Unter­hal­tung darf kein männlich­es Priv­i­leg sein. 


“No sur­face holds. No fig­ure, line, or point remains. No ground sub­sists. But no abyss, either. Depth, for us, is not a chasm. With­out a sol­id crust, there is no precipice. Our depth is the thick­ness of our body, our all touch­ing itself. Where top and bot­tom, inside and outside, …

The witch craze wages a war against Lilith, who, born from Adam’s clay, refused to obey the Man. The burn­ings of her kin­dred become great pub­lic spec­ta­cles. Lilith leaves her life to the flames, sac­ri­ficed upon the altar of a fab­ri­cat­ed God. But her truth will be known in the …

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The Cover Story

by Mercy Ferrars

Wel­come to the debrief of ‘The Tor­tured Poets Depart­ment.’ In the epi­logue to Swift’s newest work, she sets the stage by assum­ing the role of “The Chair­man” pre­sent­ing her “find­ings” to us, her fel­low tor­tured poets—31 tracks that serve as evi­dence for a plea of “tem­po­rary insan­i­ty.” Fueled by a fleet­ing encounter and an illic­it decade-long affair of love and poet­ry, The Tor­tured Poets Depart­ment dis­sects both the love and loss in Swift’s life, from for­bid­den dreams and stolen moments to the inevitable farewell to her muse.

May 6th, 2024


In the midst of post­colo­nial and patri­ar­chal hege­monies, periph­er­al nar­ra­tives emerge as agents of trans­for­ma­tion, carv­ing out space for the plu­ral­i­ty of self and world.

In this brave new world, one can traverse the skies on wings of their own making. The world, it seems, exists solely within our collective dreams, so foreign, yet so familiar. And as I sit alone in the darkness, surrounded by the hum of neon and the flicker of screens, I understand we’re all just dreaming in isolation. 

Humor­voll, kri­tisch und voller Verzwei­flungswut erzählt das Stück #Moth­er­fuck­ing­hood im Berlin­er Ensem­ble von prekären Geburts­be­din­gun­gen, Ver­ant­wor­tungs- und Schuldge­fühlen und dem schädlichen Stereo­typ der guten Mutter.

Wie anspruchsvoll muss Fem­i­nis­mus sein? Warum wer­den Bar­bie und Poor Things von der Kri­tik so beson­ders gründlich kri­tisiert? Unsere Autorin find­et, auch leichte Unter­hal­tung darf kein männlich­es Priv­i­leg sein. 


We fashioned our own truth from melancholy: that Amnesia would cure the grief running through us like water. That love would feel the same, outliving our extinction, even when its coordinates had vanished from the sky. 

Photo: Ilona Panych

“No sur­face holds. No fig­ure, line, or point remains. No ground sub­sists. But no abyss, either. Depth, for us, is not a chasm. With­out a sol­id crust, there is no precipice. Our depth is the thick­ness of our body, our all touch­ing itself. Where top and bot­tom, inside and outside, …

The witch craze wages a war against Lilith, who, born from Adam’s clay, refused to obey the Man. The burn­ings of her kin­dred become great pub­lic spec­ta­cles. Lilith leaves her life to the flames, sac­ri­ficed upon the altar of a fab­ri­cat­ed God. But her truth will be known in the …

“No surface holds. No figure, line, or point remains. No ground subsists. But no abyss, either. Depth, for us, is not a chasm. Without a solid crust, there is no precipice. Our depth is the thickness of our body, our all touching itself. Where top and bottom, inside and outside, in front and behind, above and below are not separated, remote, out of touch. Our all intermingled. Without breaks or gaps.”

New York/The Guggen­heim: Ein Robot­er in einem Glaskä­fig ver­sucht sich drei Jahre lang am Leben zu erhal­ten. Am Ende sein­er Kraft liegt eine absurde Erkenntnis. 

Wie anspruchsvoll muss Fem­i­nis­mus sein? Warum wer­den Bar­bie und Poor Things von der Kri­tik so beson­ders gründlich kri­tisiert? Unsere Autorin find­et, auch leichte Unter­hal­tung darf kein männlich­es Priv­i­leg sein. 

Some­thing hap­pened to queer­ness in the 1990s. Not only did we begin to describe more and more forms of non-nor­ma­tive desire and embod­i­ment as “queer” – with the advent of the inter­net, queer com­mu­ni­ties also became digi­tised. Our knowl­edge and our inti­ma­cy is now unthink­able with­out vast transat­lantic cir­cuits and …

Nobody inspect­ed the dan­gling Marias… None fret­ted for the 40 dif­fer­ent infant Jesus­es, threat­en­ing to tum­ble with the mama to the floor.


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Something happened to queerness in the 1990s. Not only did we begin to describe more and more forms of non-normative desire and embodiment as ‘queer’ – with the advent of the internet, queer communities also became digitised. Our knowledge and our intimacy is now unthinkable without vast transatlantic circuits and corporate filters.


New York/The Guggen­heim: Ein Robot­er in einem Glaskä­fig ver­sucht sich drei Jahre lang am Leben zu erhal­ten. Am Ende sein­er Kraft liegt eine absurde Erkenntnis. 

Wie anspruchsvoll muss Fem­i­nis­mus sein? Warum wer­den Bar­bie und Poor Things von der Kri­tik so beson­ders gründlich kri­tisiert? Unsere Autorin find­et, auch leichte Unter­hal­tung darf kein männlich­es Priv­i­leg sein. 

Some­thing hap­pened to queer­ness in the 1990s. Not only did we begin to describe more and more forms of non-nor­ma­tive desire and embod­i­ment as “queer” – with the advent of the inter­net, queer com­mu­ni­ties also became digi­tised. Our knowl­edge and our inti­ma­cy is now unthink­able with­out vast transat­lantic cir­cuits and …

Nobody inspect­ed the dan­gling Marias… None fret­ted for the 40 dif­fer­ent infant Jesus­es, threat­en­ing to tum­ble with the mama to the floor.