The World Must End: Affect Theory and Diaspora

After years of fem­i­nist the­o­ry in which I reap­praised the ways in which fem­i­nin­i­ty and women’s bod­ies were made and bro­ken by exter­nal forces, scat­tered into a thou­sand-piece puz­zle and inad­e­quate­ly glued back togeth­er, I found inter­est in a sim­i­lar issue with regard to the African-Amer­i­can dias­po­ra. Even­tu­al­ly, in alle­vi­at­ing clar­i­ty, there is a desire for the world to end, to fash­ion it anew—and irre­spec­tive of how it will be com­posed, the beau­ty of anni­hi­lat­ed worlds will burn in it bright­ly and confidently. 

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Sek­tor C. Wer auch immer diese Par­ty gab, ließ sie sich etwas kosten. Dafür war die Ein­rich­tung per­fekt: Lea bewun­derte das bläulich schim­mernde Glas, hin­ter der die Feiern­den sich bewegten. Die meis­ten tru­gen Oceanwave.